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Standard Service - Free Listings:

3 free listings per month, valid for 30 days

Paid Listing Addition:

Additional listing placement - 0.10 GEL

Listing Renewal:

Existing listing renewal - 0.20 GEL

Automatic Renewal:

Automatic listing renewal service - 0.25 GEL

Restore Expired Listing:

Price - 0.20

VIP Listing (1-16 days):

VIP status listing, 1.50 GEL per day. Benefits: Appears on the first page of the category in VIP block, above standard listings in the general list, with special symbol

VIP Listing Benefits:

Appears in a special 'VIP Listings' block on the first page of the respective category. Appears in the general list above standard listings. Status marked with special symbol.

VIP Listing (17+ days):

17+ days - 1.45

VIP+ Listing Benefits:

Appears in a special 'VIP+ Listings' block on the first page of the respective category. Appears in the general list above VIP and standard listings. Status marked with special symbol.

VIP+ Listing (1-8 days):

VIP+ status listing, 3.00 GEL per day. Benefits: Appears in VIP+ block, above VIP and standard listings in the general list, with special symbol

VIP+ Listing (9-16 days):

9 - 16 days 2.70/day

VIP+ Listing (17+ days):

17+ days 2.50/day

Super VIP Listing Benefits:

Appears on the main page in a special slider. Appears at the top of the general list above standard, VIP, and VIP+ listings. Appears on all detailed listing pages. Status marked with special symbol.

Super VIP Listing (1-4 days):

Super VIP status listing, 9.00 GEL per day. Benefits: Appears in the main page slider, on all detail pages, above all listings in the general list

Super VIP Listing (5-8 days):

5 - 8 days 8.00/day

Super VIP Listing (9-16 days):

9 - 16 days 7.50/day

Super VIP Listing (17+ days):

17+ days 7.10/day

Add Color (1-8 days):

1 - 8 days 0.30/day

Add Color (9-16 days):

9 - 16 days 0.27/day

Add Color (17+ days):

17+ days 0.25/day

Real Estate Measurement Service:

1-70m² - 50.00 GEL, 71-100m² - 70.00 GEL, 101+m² - 70.00 GEL + 0.80 GEL/m². Measurement work conducted by certified specialists for Public Registry